Until Quotes

Text Quotes
One of the most jolting days of adulthood comes the first time you run out of toilet paper. Toilet paper, up until this point, always just existed. And now it’s a finite resource, constantly in danger of extinction, that must be carefully tracked and monitored, like pandas? (Until Quotes)
A guy can tell a girl he’s in love with her until he’s blue in the face. Words don’t mean anything to a woman when her head’s full of doubt. You have to show her (Until Quotes)
All my life, I’ve understood the nature of where I come from, but I never thought it might be wicked until now (Until Quotes)
If we would accept heaven’s life, we need by all means to live in the world and to participate in its duties and affairs. In this way, we accept a spiritual life by means of our moral and civic life; and there is no other way a spiritual life can be formed within us, no other way our spirits can be prepared for heaven. This is because living an inner life and not an outer life at the same time is like living in a house that has no foundation, that gradually either settles or develops gaping cracks or totters until it collapses (Until Quotes)
It was strange how you didn’t realise how much you loved a place until you had lost it completely (Until Quotes)
Until we have established reliability there is no sense at all in wasting time trying to make the thing go faster (Until Quotes)
Quantum science suggests the existence of many possible futures for each moment of our lives. Each future lies in a state of rest until it is awakened by choices made in the present (Until Quotes)
I don’t know how, or whether it is even possible to predict what the world will look like the next day. I simply have to close my eyes, and wait until tomorrow in order to find out (Until Quotes)
Until you love yourself, you will never know who you really are and you won’t know what you’re really capable of (Until Quotes)
That’s the problem with fiction - or the charm, if you want. Even mediocre plots have a way of sinking their hooks into you, until you find yourself concerned for the fates of characters who aren’t even fully convincing (Until Quotes)
Oscars are won with two or three shots only, because if it’s really beautifully photographed, you don’t really notice it until the astounding moment emphasizes it (Until Quotes)
The sounds of many were unintelligible and undoubtedly many more called for their parents from whom they were parted by death or by accident. They grasped their tortured limbs, their tiny burning legs until they were no longer able to stand or run. And then they would crash to the ground where they would writhe in the bubbling tar until death released them from their physical misery (Until Quotes)
To no circumstance is the wide diffusion of error in the world more owing than to our habit of adopting conclusions from insufficiently established data. An indispensable preliminary, then, in every investigation, is to get at facts. Until these are arrived at, every opinion, theory, or system, however ingeniously framed, must necessarily rest upon an uncertain basis (Until Quotes)
Men were created for something better than merely to make money. A close application to business, until a competence is gained, is one of the chief virtues; but to continue in trade long after this result is obtained, is one of the signs, not to be mistaken, of a sordid and ignoble nature (Until Quotes)
There is an elasticity in the human mind, capable of bearing much, but which will not show itself, until a certain weight of affliction be put upon it; its powers may be compared to those vehicles whose springs are so contrived that they get on smoothly enough when loaded, but jolt confoundedly when they have nothing to bear (Until Quotes)
We don’t know how much we are capable of loving until the people we love are being taken away, until a beautiful story is ending (Until Quotes)
Your readers should be so compelled to read your copy that they cannot stop reading until they read all of it as if sliding down a slippery slide (Until Quotes)
Be patient with all that is unsolved in your life. Learn to love the questions themselves, until some distant day, without your knowing, you will have lived into the answers (Until Quotes)
It has been preached in every country, taught everywhere, but only believed in by a few, because until we get the experience ourselves, we cannot believe in it (Until Quotes)
All this bit about angels and all the different religions, it’s based on something. I think anything’s possible. I believe in everything until it’s disproved (Until Quotes)
I had danced when I was younger, until I was about 12, and I always idealized it, as most young girls do, as the most beautiful art. It’s an expression without words (Until Quotes)
When I was 13 they were saying your album won’t come out until your sweet 16. I felt really frustrated because that felt like forever from then and I felt like I was ready then. Looking back I wasn’t ready (Until Quotes)
Go to nature with no parti pris. You should not know what your picture is to look like until it is done. Just see the picture that is coming (Until Quotes)
The work keeps getting deeper, more honest. I continue to work on a piece until I feel it breathe on its own (Until Quotes)
In every man’s heart there is a devil, but we do not know the man as bad until the devil is roused (Until Quotes)
Houses are not haunted. We are haunted, and regardless of the architecture with which we surround ourselves, our ghosts stay with us until we ourselves are ghosts (Until Quotes)
Virtue is our true wealth and the true reward of its possessor; it cannot be lost, it never deserts us until life leaves us (Until Quotes)
It is only by entering the transcendental, the supernatural, the authentically spiritual order that man rises above the social. Until then, whatever he may do, the social is transcendent in relation to him (Until Quotes)
I am sorry to think that you do not get a man’s most effective criticism until you provoke him. Severe truth is expressed with some bitterness (Until Quotes)
If I did meet somebody, I would only ever make room for someone that loved me how I deserved to be loved. Until then I’ve got my shoes, I’ve got my album, my dog (Until Quotes)